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校级公开课:Period 4 Speaking and writing--导学案
作者:16中学教学部签发 来源:本网编辑 发布时间:2013-05-25

Book 4 Unit 1 Women of achievement
Period 4 Speaking and writing
Learning aims:学习目标
1. Students can use proper adjectives to describe the great women.
2. Students will be able to introduce some of women of achievement briefly in English.
3. Students can learn from them actively and the spirit of hard work can be cultivated.
Learning procedures: 学习过程

Step1 Enjoy the essay 美文欣赏与背诵:
Where there is a will, there is a way.(有志者事竟成)
The key to success is not money but a strong will. A great man is one who has a strong will and an indomitable(不屈不挠的) spirit. In other words, if a man does not have a strong will to win the final victory, he will never succeed in his life. He is no more than a failure. It is quite obvious that there is nothing difficult in the world. If you make up your mind to do it, you will certainly achieve your dreams.
成功的要诀不是金钱而是一个坚强的意志。一个大人物是一个具有坚强意志和不屈不挠精神的人。换句话说,如果一个人没有坚强意志去获得最后胜利,他终其一生都不会成功。他只不过是(no more than)一个失败者。很明显,世界上并没有难事。如果你下定决心去做它,你一定会实现你的梦想。
Step2 Speaking
Talk about the six women of achievement according to the students’ own design.

Step 3 Cooperation and exploration 小组合作探究
1. In groups discuss what the six women have in common and what makes them great. That is , What kinds of qualities should a great person have? Think of adjectives as many as possible and make a list of them.


2. What kind of great man/woman would you like to be in the future? Write several sentences to express your opinions.
I would like to be a man/woman like… ….because …
I prefer to be a man/woman like…, who impressed me most. The reasons why I …is that… …



Step 4 Presentation 成果展示:
One of the group members is asked to present their answers on the blackboard.
Step 5 Comment 大胆点评
Step 6 Summary and reflection 总结与反馈


Step 7 Homework
Choose one woman you admire to write a passage (more than 100 words). Plan your writing as follows:
Para 1 brief introduction to the woman
Para 2 2 or 3 of her achievements
Para 3 your comments on her and your determination.



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